More than three years ago, the young Bitcoin entrepreneur Jack Mallers announced that his payment app "Strike" would soon be available worldwide. However, the rollout process turned out to be more difficult and therefore longer than planned. In particular, the strict regulatory requirements within the EU caused problems for the payment provider. But now the time has finally come. After a long wait, the popular Bitcoin app is now also available in european app and play stores!

Use the code: TSLYJG

What can the Strike app do?

Basically, the app from Jack Mallers and his team offers a fast, simple and cost-effective way to send and receive money worldwide. The app offers a range of innovative functions thanks to the fact that it is based on the Bitcoin network and also the Lightning network. The ability to buy BTC directly via the app also makes it attractive for many users.

The main functions of Strike include

  • Sending and receiving money - without borders: Strike enables its users to send and receive money globally. The app bridges geographical and currency barriers by making transactions across national borders quick and easy.
  • Integration of the Lightning Network: The Lightning Network is a "Layer 2" solution on the Bitcoin blockchain that enables fast transactions with very low fees. Strike uses this technology to make payments more efficient. Users can send and receive Bitcoin as well as dollars or other currencies via it.
  • Buy, sell and withdraw Bitcoin: Strike also offers its users the ability to buy, sell and withdraw Bitcoin directly through the app. This makes it easy for beginners to invest in Bitcoin, even in small amounts.
  • Use of API infrastructure for developers: For developers, Strike offers access to its Lightning API infrastructure. This opens up opportunities for the development of new products and services that utilize the Lightning Network and lays the foundation for innovative business opportunities.
  • Convert salary to BTC: As Strike also enables payments from BTC to fiat and fiat to BTC, the service also offers the possibility to receive one's salary via Strike and directly receive a desired portion of it in the form of Bitcoin. However, this function is not (yet?) available in Europe.

Strike uses the Bitcoin network and, building on this, the Lightning network as a global settlement layer and aims to make transactions available worldwide and free of charge in a matter of seconds. The special thing about this is that the SEPA network is not used for payments (for payments in €) but, as already mentioned, the Lightning network.

This directly results in another special feature. With Strike, the sender and recipient do not have to belong to the same currency area or use the same currency.
payments from euros to dollars, dollars to pounds, or pounds to yen, would be possible without banks and in a matter of seconds.

More importantly. Payments from euros to Bitcoin and vice versa are no longer a fantasy, but pure reality. in January 2021

Buy Bitcoin free of charge!

Buying Bitcoin at Strike was initially marketed as "fee-free". However, trading fees of between 0.79% and 1.29% are now charged, which is still relatively attractive and definitely competitive. When you buy or sell Bitcoin with Strike, you incur the so-called "strike fee", which is calculated as a percentage of the trading volume.

The Strike fee is divided into different levels or "tiers" based on your monthly trading volume - the more you trade, the better the fee.

We don't have to charge users 2%-3% to buy Bitcoin. Our innovation as a company comes from our ability to disrupt global payments using the Bitcoin and Lightning Network. The cost of acquiring open source money on an open network will inevitably move towards zero. Why wait? Did you really expect me to undercut Venmo by a few percentage points? Did you think I was going to let Coinbase charge the world 2%+ so they could shove shitcoins down everyone's throat?"
Jack Mallers, CEO


Register now

It remains to be seen whether the app will be as popular in Europe as it is in the USA, for example. If you want to try out Strike, you first have to go through a KYC process for verification (as is usual with payment service providers). However, this is implemented quite simply in the app, dispenses with the usual video calls and takes less than 3 minutes in total.

If you register via our partner link below and enter the code TSLYJG when registering, will receive a small kickback to support our work. You will also receive a starting credit of 5€. Thank you very much!

Use the code: TSLYJG