On September 17, 2024, the treasurer of Louisiana, Dr. John Fleming, announced that the US state now accepts payments in Bitcoin - including via Lightning - and in the US dollar stablecoin USDC. This makes the state in the south of the USA the first to take this step.

Louisiana residents will now have the option to pay for state services from their private, secure crypto wallets. These popular types of cryptocurrencies will be accepted: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, and USD Coin.
from the press release

On the day of the announcement, the first cryptocurrency payment was also made to the agency responsible for protecting and conserving the state's natural resources.

In fact, the first cryptocurrency payment was made today to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
from the press release

However, as is common in most cases, Louisiana is relying on a service provider - in this case Bead Pay - to convert the Bitcoin directly into US dollars so as not to be exposed to the volatility of the asset.

Nevertheless, this move, which is touted in the announcement as an "innovative transition", is another milestone in the adoption of Satoshi Nakamoto's creation.

One reason cited in the press release for the new payment option is that it is intended to reduce the number of fraudulent transactions.

Republican Treasurer Dr. John Fleming also explains that it is also about offering citizens flexibility and freedom in their interactions with the authorities.

In today's digital age, government systems must evolve and embrace new technologies. By introducing cryptocurrency as a payment option, we're not just innovating; we're providing our citizens with flexibility and freedom in interacting with state services.
Dr. John Fleming

It remains to be seen whether other US states will follow Louisiana's lead and allow their citizens to pay with Bitcoin and Lightning.


About the author: Tristan

Tristan is a graduate economist with journalistic experience outside of Blocktrainer.de. Tristan has been active in the Bitcoin space since 2020 and was already involved in libertarian economic theory in the years before that.

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