Yesterday, September 12, 2024, Roman Reher, the founder of, gave a lecture entitled "How Germany can already benefit from Bitcoin today" on the premises of the German Bundestag. The event was organized by the "Bitcoin im Bundestag" initiative and attracted around 200 participants, including around 30 members of the Bundestag as well as their staff and representatives of various political parties.

Bitcoin as the key to economic independence

In his presentation, Reher emphasized the importance of Bitcoin for Germany as a business location. Bitcoin not only offers the opportunity to better compete globally, but also to drive forward technological innovations that could be decisive for Germany's future. Reher pointed out that Germany had previously overslept the technology sector and that Bitcoin now offered the opportunity to break away from the dominance of American providers in the payment services sector.

Potential in the energy sector

Reher also paid particular attention to the use of surplus energy for Bitcoin mining. He argued that Bitcoin could not only contribute to economic independence, but also to energy independence by making sensible use of surplus capacity. This is an area in which Germany could become an innovative pioneer.

While the USA and other countries are already monetizing surplus energy, Germany is paying for our machines to be switched off and economic sectors to come to a standstill.
Roman Reher

Political and regulatory framework conditions

Reher criticized the fact that Bitcoin is still hardly a topic in political discussions in Germany despite its importance for the economy. In the USA, the topic has long since become a political issue and former US President Donald Trump in particular, as well as some candidates who have since dropped out of the presidential race, such as Robert F. Kennedy and Vivek Ramaswamy , are devoting a relatively large amount of attention to Bitcoin and the crypto market. The Blocktrainer founder emphasized how important it is to create a clear legal framework to facilitate the introduction and use of Bitcoin. He also addressed the MiCA regulation and called for a clear distinction between Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Positive response and outlook

The subsequent Q&A session highlighted the great interest of the participants in the topics presented. Questions about the geopolitical significance of Bitcoin and the potential impact of China's advance were discussed intensively. The event met with consistently positive feedback and it became clear that Bitcoin is increasingly seen as a long-term solution to economic and technological challenges. Incidentally, there is deliberately no information about the list of participants or which politicians or employees were present. The anonymity of the participants should be preserved as far as possible so that any interested person can take part in the "Bitcoin im Bundestag" events - regardless of their own political interests or party affiliations. After all, Bitcoin is for everyone.

Recording to follow!

Joana Cotar, Member of the Bundestag and founder of the initiative, announced that there will also be a video recording of the presentation. This will be published on the YouTube channel of "Bitcoin im Bundestag". However, the whole thing will probably take a few more weeks, as faces and voices have to be censored in order to preserve the anonymity of the participants mentioned above. Nevertheless, Roman Reher also announced that he is very much looking forward to the publication. Based on the feedback from the launch event, at which he was also present as a speaker, he knows that some politicians and employees will only watch the recording afterwards. "I hope that they will then realize that Bitcoin is here to stay," explained Reher.


About the author: René

René is the editor-in-chief at and has been with us from the very beginning. In the many years that he has been working in the Bitcoin cosmos, he has acquired a broad range of expertise in all areas relating to the most important cryptocurrency.

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