Article by the author: Stefan

About the author: Stefan

Stefan studied media science and sinology and is self-employed in the artistic and journalistic field. In addition to the monetary properties, he is particularly interested in the social and ecological aspects of Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining.

US House of Representatives votes against the introduction of a CBDC The US Congress yesterday approved a bill that prohibits the introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) without the approval of the House of Representatives. Weiterlesen
Paraguay declares war on illegal Bitcoin miners The spokesperson of the Paraguayan president has presented a draft law that defines the punishment of operators of illegal Bitcoin mining facilities. Weiterlesen
Venezuela takes further action against Bitcoin mining According to local media reports, the Venezuelan government wants to exclude miners of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from the national power grid because the high power consumption has allegedly led to frequent power outages and a stable power supply for the population is now planned. Weiterlesen
UK court grants Assange appeal against extradition to the US On May 20, a British court granted Julian Assange's appeal against his extradition to the USA. Weiterlesen
The hidden Bitcoin revolution in Peru The Bitcoin education channel Get Based has published a new documentary film about the use of Bitcoin in remote regions in Peru, highlighting the social benefits of Bitcoin. Weiterlesen
Financial companies publish figures on Bitcoin ETFs under management Today was the final deadline for the report of the major financial companies on assets under management in the first quarter. Bitcoin ETFs were also listed for the first time. Weiterlesen
Home mining increasingly popular: Walmart sells Bitcoin miners from Bitaxe! Home Bitcoin mining is becoming increasingly popular and affordable. Recently, the world's biggest retailer Walmart has also started selling two Bitaxe models. Weiterlesen
Argentina plans Bitcoin mining project The Bitcoin mining company Genesis Digital Assets is planning a mining plant in Argentina together with the state-owned energy company YPF Luz. Weiterlesen
New study confirms: Bitcoin mining reduces methane emissions A new study on the combination of Bitcoin mining with energy from landfill gas illustrates the potential of Bitcoin in reducing methane emissions. Weiterlesen