Bitcoin is a hotly debated topic. While influential investors such as 93-year-old Warren Buffett describe Satoshi Nakamoto's creation as a pure speculative object with no intrinsic value, other well-known personalities see Bitcoin as the most significant monetary advance since the invention of coinage or say that they have probably never worked on anything more important in their lives.

But which of the world's famous people have come out as Bitcoin supporters so far?

Michael S. Dell

Michael S. Dell is the founder and CEO of the large computer company of the same name, which currently has a market capitalization of around 100 billion US dollars. Dell is the third largest computer manufacturer in terms of market share - ahead of Apple.

Dell's company already accepted Bitcoin for payments in 2014. However, due to low demand for the payment option, the company discontinued this in 2017.

The billionaire has recently attracted attention with posts on 𝕏 that suggest he is a Bitcoin enthusiast in his private life. For example, he posted that scarcity creates value and he reposted the response from Bitcoin bull Michael Saylor that Bitcoin represents digital scarcity.

Shortly after, the 14th richest person in the world shared a picture of Sesame Street's Cookie Monster eating Bitcoin instead of cookies.

This is a great account to follow @MeCookieMonster. Very entertaining 😂.
Michael Dell

There was then speculation in the Bitcoin community that Dell himself was accumulating Bitcoin or even that his company was currently considering it.

Tim Cook

Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple, currently the second largest company in the world. In 2021, the billionaire announced at the DealBook Online Summit of the New York Times that he personally owns Bitcoin. He said that he had been looking into it for some time and found it interesting.

I think it's sensible to hold it as part of a diversified portfolio.
Tim Cook

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is probably one of the most influential entrepreneurs of our time. Born in South Africa, he co-founded the payment service provider PayPal among others. Meanwhile, the 52-year-old works as CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, a spacecraft manufacturer that Musk also founded. He also took over Twitter and rebranded the short messaging service as 𝕏.

Musk's relationship with Bitcoin would probably be best described as "it's complicated". With Tesla, Musk bought Bitcoin for around 1.5 billion US dollars at the beginning of 2021 and accepted the cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Meanwhile, the richest man in the world wrote many optimistic posts about the asset and even included the hashtag Bitcoin in his Twitter bio.

Musk also announced at the time that he personally holds Bitcoin.

Shortly afterwards, however, Tesla stopped selling the cars for Bitcoin again due to environmental concerns. Around a year later, the car manufacturer sold the majority of its Bitcoin position. Musk also bought Bitcoin with SpaceX, but also significantly reduced his holdings there in 2022.

Despite all the back and forth, Elon Musk is still in the camp of Bitcoin supporters. It is probably not without reason that he still holds Bitcoin positions with his companies Tesla and SpaceX - in the case of Tesla to the value of several hundred million US dollars.

However, the Bitcoin community is not on Musk's good side. Musk promised, for example, that he would support Bitcoin as a means of payment again as soon as the share of renewable energies in the electricity mix of Bitcoin mining exceeded 50 percent, which has been the case for some time. He also squandered his credibility by promoting the cryptocurrency Dogecoin, which was created as a joke.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and CEO of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook). For some time now, there have been indications that Zuckerberg is a Bitcoin sympathizer.

However, the fourth richest person in the world has not yet made any public statements about Bitcoin. But the fact is: Mark Zuckerberg owns Bitcoin - but in a slightly different way.

In 2021, Zuckerberg posted a picture on Facebook of his two goats. He wrote that one is called "Bitcoin" and the other "Max".

My goats: Max and Bitcoin.
Mark Zuckerberg

In an interview a few months ago, David Marcus, a former colleague of Mark Zuckerberg, also said that he would appreciate Bitcoin.

I don't know if you want to answer this, but is Zuckerberg a bitcoiner?
Peter McCormack

Yes, yes, yes, he values Bitcoin.
David Marcus

Marcus and Zuckerberg worked together on the cryptocurrency Diem (previously Libra), which Facebook wanted to introduce. The plan was scrapped and Marcus is currently the CEO of a service provider for the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Larry Fink

Larry Fink is co-founder and CEO of BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager. Fink is considered the most influential person in the financial world. In 2017, the billionaire still described Bitcoin as an "index for money laundering". A few months ago, however, there seems to have been a change of heart.

In the summer of 2023, BlackRock submitted an application for a Bitcoin spot ETF, which ultimately led to the long-awaited approvals for the investment products in the USA.

Since the asset manager started investing in Bitcoin, Fink has made several positive statements about Bitcoin. In the context of the armed conflict in the Middle East, Fink categorized the growth in the Bitcoin price as a "flight to quality". Immediately after the approval of BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF, Fink was even more bullish about the asset.

There's a lot of opportunity there, it's a great business, [...] it's a good store of value.

It's a ledger, but it's an international ledger. It's cross-border. It's bigger than any government.
Larry Fink

Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel is one of the co-founders of PayPal. For a time, he was also the managing director of the payment service provider. Thiel was also the first investor in Facebook. Today, the multi-billionaire is active as a venture capitalist and hedge fund manager.

Back in 2018, Thiel emphasized that he is optimistic about the benefits of Bitcoin as a store of value, but is rather sceptical about other crypto projects.

I would bet on Bitcoin and be neutral to skeptical about everything else.
Peter Thiel

Thiel also spoke at the Bitcoin Conference in Miami in 2022, explaining that Bitcoin could not only match the market capitalization of gold, but also that of the entire stock market.

Why shouldn't there be parity between Bitcoin and the stock market? [...] I am still hopeful that Bitcoin will rise by a factor of 100.
Peter Thiel

Jack Dorsey

The most convinced Bitcoiner among the CEOs of globally known companies is probably Jack Dorsey. He is the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. He currently heads the payment service provider Block (formerly Square), which is worth around 40 billion US dollars. The company, which Dorsey also co-founded, is behind the Cash App, which is widely used in the USA.

Dorsey already bought Bitcoin with Block at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 for a total of USD 220 million. Since April of this year, the company has even regularly invested a portion of its operating profits in the asset.

The 47-year-old also regularly donates to developers or educational initiatives in the Bitcoin sector. Together with the famous rapper Jay-Z, for example, Dorsey has financed a Bitcoin education program for the residents of a New York social housing complex.

At the Bitcoin Conference in Miami in 2021, the billionaire emphasized that Bitcoin is probably the most important thing in his life that he can work on.

I don't think there's anything more important in my life that I can work on.
Jack Dorsey

Shortly afterwards, Dorsey retired from his position at Twitter and since then has "only" worked as CEO at Block. The payment service provider also offers services and products related to Bitcoin.

In the letter to shareholders on the occasion of the first quarter of 2024, Dorsey recently explained again why he and his company are committed to Bitcoin.

We believe the world needs an open money protocol that is not controlled by a single entity. We believe that Bitcoin is the best and only candidate to be that protocol and ultimately become the native currency of the internet.
Excerpt from the shareholder letter

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden is a world-famous whistleblower who, as an employee of the NSA, brought to light information about the surveillance and espionage activities of secret services in countries including the USA, the UK and Germany. Snowden has been living in exile in Russia since 2013.

The whistleblower came into contact with Bitcoin more than ten years ago. In 2013, he already paid for servers via Bitcoin pseudonymously. Although Snowden had repeatedly criticized Bitcoin for not being private enough, it was only a few months ago that he emphasized how much he thinks of Bitcoin.

The second part of the statement is a direct quote from Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto.

Snowden recognizes - although he generally focuses primarily on Bitcoin's function as a means of payment - that Bitcoin also represents protection against the loss of value of state currencies. This is made clear by the fact that he commented on the headline about the devaluation of the Lebanese pound with "Bitcoin fixes this", meaning "Bitcoin solves this problem".

Julian Assange

Julian Assange is the founder of the WikiLeaks whistleblowing platform. Assange has been in prison in the UK for five years for publishing government documents. Assange is to be extradited to the USA, where he faces 175 years in prison.

The Australian came into contact with Bitcoin many years ago. As early as 2011, he used Bitcoin with WikiLeaks to accept donations despite sanctions imposed by major payment service providers such as PayPal, Visa and Mastercard.

In 2017, he thanked the USA for being the reason for this great investment.

In the same year, he also described Bitcoin as the "real Occupy Wall Street", i.e. the right protest movement against the links between politics and the financial industry.

Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump was President of the USA from 2017 to 2021. Before that, he was already a successful entrepreneur and a world-famous media personality. In the summer of 2021, Trump said that Bitcoin looked like a scam to him and that he didn't like it because it competed with the US dollar. During the campaign for the upcoming presidential election, however, the tide has turned - if perhaps only out of opportunism.

According to the betting markets, the likely next US president has promised to work to ensure that the Bitcoin industry remains in the US. The statement "we will make sure that the future of crypto and Bitcoin is made in America" is now an integral part of his campaign rallies. He also said that he wants all remaining Bitcoin to be mined in the USA. Trump also accepts donations in Bitcoin and Co. and is working with David Bailey, the CEO of Bitcoin Magazine, for the election campaign.

Bailey even shared on 𝕏 that Trump had probably told him that he would like to add several trillion US dollars to Bitcoin's market capitalization. When asked whether Trump himself owns Bitcoin, Bailey replied in an interview that he cannot comment on this, but he hopes that more attention will be paid to this topic in the future.

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur and the author of a series of world-famous financial books. He sold over 40 million copies of the classic "Rich Dad Poor Dad" worldwide, making it the most successful financial book of all time.

The Hawaiian already revealed himself as a Bitcoin bull some time ago. In particular, he frequently posts on his 𝕏 account that he holds Bitcoin himself and believes in high price targets. He sees the asset as protection against the inevitable devaluation of the US dollar.

Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist from Canada who reaches eight million subscribers with his YouTube channel and more than five million with his 𝕏 account.

As part of his podcasts, the 62-year-old has spoken with Bitcoiners on the subject on several occasions, for example with Saifedean Ammous, the author of the book "The Bitcoin Standard", and also with the German-speaking Gigi. In these conversations, Peterson repeatedly expressed his sympathy for Bitcoin.

Using his account on the short messaging service 𝕏, Peterson also commented on several news items with the slogan "Bitcoin fixes this". In the context of the well-known Canadian trucker protests against the coronavirus measures, the staunch Christian even thanked God for Bitcoin.


Just a few days ago, the famous psychologist once again attracted attention with a statement regarding Bitcoin. In the context of the escalating national debt in the USA, Peterson emphasized that it was probably time to buy more Bitcoin.


Drake is probably the most successful rapper in the world at the moment. The Canadian is said to have a fortune of several hundred million US dollars to his name.

In mid-March, the musician posted a video of Michael Saylor in his story on Instagram, where he has around 150 million followers. In the clip in question, Saylor explains how Bitcoin will overtake the precious metal gold.

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher is a world-famous actor from the USA - known for his role as Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in the film "Jobs", among other things.

Kutcher tweeted about Bitcoin back in 2013. His wife Mila Kunis announced in a television appearance in 2021 that her husband told her about Bitcoin more than eight years ago and invested in the asset against her advice.

In 2014, the multimillionaire compared Bitcoin to the internet in the 1980s in a Twitter post and linked to an article by Vox that dealt with this comparison.

The bitcoiners' club is growing

As the use of Bitcoin continues to grow, it is only logical that more and more well-known personalities are coming out in support of it. Bitcoin is currently finding its way into the mainstream of society as a store of value or digital capital. Slowly but surely, Satoshi Nakamoto's creation is leaving behind the image of strange internet money that only criminals use.

The fact that successful investors or world-famous and influential personalities are speaking out in favor of Bitcoin is a positive development. On the one hand, it lends Bitcoin legitimacy and, on the other, it may encourage their followers to get involved with Bitcoin as well.

However, it is important that people always make their own investment decisions at best and do not simply follow the lead of celebrities. In the cryptocurrency sector in particular, it is not uncommon for C-list celebrities to speak out in favor of Bitcoin in order to generate attention, but then sell their followers coins that turn out to be a total loss.

It is important to familiarize yourself with Bitcoin and understand the asset. This makes it easier to deal with the price fluctuations and scaremongering surrounding Bitcoin. The opinions of influential people should only serve as a guide for your own research.

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